Saturday 9 March 2013

Every day is a Women’s Day

8th march- Women’s day… Well everyday is a women’s day. Nothing in the house moves without the knowledge of the lady of the house, well nothing can actually move without her knowledge.
She may not be a finance guru but she knows how to handle the expenses of the house and she does it for you, without any extra charge and a smile on her face. She is stern with the money at times because even you know it when she says “NO” she is right.
She may not have a management degree but has been managing everyone’s schedule day in day out 24 * 7. She knows what you need before you need it. She moves you in the right path without you knowing that you are guided. She never takes a break because if she does, ‘All hell will break loose’.
She may not be a doctor but knows when you are low. You need not tell her the problem but she can sense it and also find a cure for it. Her hugs and kisses have worked for you everytime like a medicine. She will nurse you like a small kid even when you have outgrown her in size.
She may not be the master chef but she is definitely the best chef, for only she knows what you like. There may not be a menu card on the table but the dishes served are always right.

She would love you and talk about you all day even if you don’t call her everyday.
She thinks from her heart, loves from her soul.
She is A mother, A friend, A wife, A daughter, A sister. She is the women, we cant live without.
Lets celebrate this day and make her feel special <3 

There are a few very powerful women in my life that I have been blessed with-
 My mother, from whom I have learnt management and a little finance.
My Nani, From whom I have learnt unconditional love.
My Dadi, From whom I have learnt enjoying life.

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